How to Use Fabric Resistance Bands For Massive Glute Growth
Watch as Shelby demonstrates the power of Cheek Performance Branded fabric resistance bands for an effective home workout. In this comprehensive guide, she explains why fabric bands are her top choice, offers essential tips, and demonstrates exercises that will leave your glutes and legs feeling the burn. With Shelby's expert advice, you can make the most out of your fabric resistance bands, ensuring a workout that's both effective and comfortable.
Fabric Bands vs. Rubber Bands: Why Fabric Wins
Shelby knows that not all resistance bands are created equal. She's a firm believer in the superiority of Cheek Performance branded fabric bands, and here's why:
Durability: Fabric bands are built to last. Unlike rubber bands that can wear out and snap over time, fabric bands are more resistant to wear and tear.
Comfort: Fabric bands are gentle on the skin, eliminating the risk of pinching or discomfort during exercises. No more distractions – just a seamless workout experience.
The Importance of Band Placement
Shelby emphasizes that where you place the bands on your legs matters. Her golden rule is: "The closer to the knees, the better."
- Closer to the Knees: Placing the bands just above or below your knees ensures optimal engagement of the target muscles – the adductors and glutes. This placement maximizes the effectiveness of your workout.
Tips for Keeping Your Glutes Engaged
To get the most out of your Cheek Performance branded fabric resistance band workout, Shelby shares some invaluable tips:
Turn Your Hips Under: Throughout the exercises, focus on turning your hips slightly under. This position helps maintain consistent pressure on your adductors (inner thigh muscles) and keeps them engaged.
Push Your Knees Out: Actively push your knees outward against the resistance of the band. This action not only targets your glutes but also ensures they remain engaged throughout the entire exercise.
Shelby's Fabric Resistance Band Exercises
Let's dive into some of Shelby's favorite fabric band exercises:
1. Banded Squats:
- Stand with your feet hip-width apart and place the fabric band just above your knees.
- Perform squats while pushing your knees outward and turning your hips under.
- Keep your chest up and your back straight.
2. Clamshells:
- Lie on your side with the band just above your knees.
- Bend your knees at a 90-degree angle and keep your feet together.
- Open your top knee as far as you can while maintaining contact between your feet.
- Close your knee and repeat.
3. Lateral Leg Raises:
- Stand with the band around your ankles.
- Lift one leg out to the side as high as possible while maintaining a straight posture.
- Lower your leg and repeat on both sides.
Conclusion: Shelby's expertise and dedication to fitness shine through as she guides you through the world of fabric resistance band workouts. By choosing Cheek Performance branded fabric bands, perfecting your band placement, and following her tips for glute engagement, you're on your way to an effective and comfortable at-home workout. Embrace the burn and make every rep count with Shelby's expert guidance!